John Rutherfurd, Jr. led Moody's Corporation as Chairman and CEO until his retirement in April 2005. His tenure was marked by strategic growth and impressive financial results. In 2003, he earned over $3 million, including a bonus of nearly $2...
John Rutherfurd, Jr. led Moody's Corporation as Chairman and CEO until his retirement in April 2005. His tenure was marked by strategic growth and impressive financial results. In 2003, he earned over $3 million, including a bonus of nearly $2 million, showcasing his strong performance and the company’s success during those years. Rutherfurd also had a significant stake in Moody's, owning over 600,000 shares, which reflected his deep investment in the company’s future. In 2004, he was granted an additional 112,500 shares valued at over $740,000, which vested within that year, rewarding him for his contributions. His approach to leadership focused on financial metrics and aligning executive pay with the company’s performance, ensuring that he was incentivized to drive growth. Besides numbers, he played a pivotal role in managing Moody’s transition during a pivotal period. His retirement included vested stock awards, a nod to his lasting impact on the company’s direction and stability. Overall, Rutherfurd's leadership at Moody's was about disciplined growth and a clear connection to financial results.