John W. Cumming, born on March 19, 1953, earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and made a major impact at Hologic, Inc., where he transitioned from CEO to Executive Chairman in 2009. During his leadership, he was known for...

Current Market Cap


Number of Employees


Total Compensation

2008 - 2009

Trending down by -32.69% last year
Showing total compensation for the last 2008 - 2009


Down by -100.00% last year


Up by 2.66% last year


Down by -74.68% last year


Up by 5.95% last year



Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation philosophy aims to attract and retain superior executive talent, aligning executive interests with those of stockholders, and providing competitive pay based on performance.



Board Justification

Represents discretionary bonuses earned pursuant to our short term incentive plans.



Board Justification

Includes contributions made by the company under the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, matching contributions made to the 401(k) Savings and Investment Plan, and other benefits.

Restricted Stock

$0.00(0 N/A)

Board Justification

No stock was vested in 2009 as the focus is on cash compensation and not stock grants.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics included revenue targets and adjusted earnings per share (EPS) for determining bonuses.

SEC Filing

From January 19, 2010