Joseph Darling was the CEO of Anika Therapeutics from early 2018 until January 2020, when he passed away unexpectedly. Before becoming CEO, he held various executive roles in different medical device companies, showcasing more than 20 years of experience in...
Joseph Darling was the CEO of Anika Therapeutics from early 2018 until January 2020, when he passed away unexpectedly. Before becoming CEO, he held various executive roles in different medical device companies, showcasing more than 20 years of experience in the industry. His most notable positions included serving as the Executive Chairman of Arthrosurface and as the Global President of Linvatec Corporation. Under his leadership, Anika was focused on developing innovative therapies in the orthopedic and surgical markets. Joseph had a substantial impact on the company, enhancing its direction and product offerings during his tenure. At the time of his passing, his base salary was $650,000, although he did not receive bonuses in 2020 due to his death. His compensation in 2019 was significantly higher, at about $1.4 million, driven by a performance-based bonus that he earned based on the company's strong results. While his time at Anika was cut short, his contributions to the company are remembered fondly. His previous roles provided him with a rich background to effectively navigate the challenges in the medical technology sector.