Kennett F. Burnes has been at the helm of Cabot Corporation since 2007, steering the company through various financial challenges and successes. Born in December 1955, he brings a wealth of management experience to the table. In 2016, his total...
Kennett F. Burnes has been at the helm of Cabot Corporation since 2007, steering the company through various financial challenges and successes. Born in December 1955, he brings a wealth of management experience to the table. In 2016, his total compensation topped $1.5 million, which included a substantial base salary and performance-based bonuses, reflecting his leadership effectiveness. Burnes has demonstrated a keen focus on aligning executive compensation with company performance, believing that successful management should be rewarded for hitting targets. Interesting enough, in 2005, despite the company's challenging fiscal year, he chose not to accept a short-term incentive award, a move that showcased his accountability and dedication to the company's long-term health. Throughout his tenure, he has acquired significant stock holdings, peaking at about 360,000 shares, emphasizing his belief in the company's potential. Under his leadership, the company has maintained a constant pursuit of growth, innovation, and financial performance, making it a noteworthy player in the specialty chemicals sector.