Kevin J. McNamara has been leading Chemed Corporation since 2006. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and brings extensive experience in business management to the company. Under his leadership, Chemed has seen significant financial growth, notably increasing its...
Kevin J. McNamara has been leading Chemed Corporation since 2006. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and brings extensive experience in business management to the company. Under his leadership, Chemed has seen significant financial growth, notably increasing its earnings by an impressive 10.9% annually from 2008 to 2010. Kevin's approach focuses on aligning executive compensation with company performance, using metrics like Adjusted Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Return on Assets. This aligns incentives with the company's broader goals. As of 2023, his total compensation package was around $12.6 million, with a strong emphasis on performance-based incentives that account for a large percentage of his earnings. Interestingly, Kevin's wealth is highly tied to Chemed's stock; he holds shares worth around 20 times his salary. This creates a direct link between his performance and shareholder value, which reflects a strong commitment to the company's success. It's worth noting that he also has a solid plan in place for retirement benefits and a severance package should he leave the company.