Mark H. Robinson is the former General Manager and Principal Executive Officer of GameStop Corp., a well-known video game retailer. Appointed in June 2023, Robinson transitioned into this role following the termination of the previous CEO. Before taking on this...
Mark H. Robinson is the former General Manager and Principal Executive Officer of GameStop Corp., a well-known video game retailer. Appointed in June 2023, Robinson transitioned into this role following the termination of the previous CEO. Before taking on this position, Robinson had been with GameStop since 2015, where he had various roles, including Vice President and General Counsel. His experience in corporate law comes from previous jobs at major law firms like Norton Rose Fulbright, which equips him with valuable insights into legal and business strategies. In 2023, he earned $563,647, which included a salary of $200,000 and a notable bonus attributed to a new compensation program he helped introduce. A significant highlight of his compensation included stock grants totaling 9,300 restricted stock units, designed to align his interests with the company's long-term growth. Despite the turmoil in GameStop's leadership, Robinson's ability to adapt and focus on legal and corporate governance indicates a strong commitment to the company's future. His journey shows how understanding business law can play a crucial role in leading a major corporation and addressing complex market challenges.