As of 2023, Mark K. Hardwick holds about 95,061 shares of First Merchants Corporation stock. His ownership represents a significant part of his wealth, emphasizing his commitment to the company. Throughout his tenure, his holdings have seen fluctuations, reflecting market...
As of 2023, Mark K. Hardwick holds about 95,061 shares of First Merchants Corporation stock. His ownership represents a significant part of his wealth, emphasizing his commitment to the company. Throughout his tenure, his holdings have seen fluctuations, reflecting market conditions. At one point, Mark's stake was at its highest when he was promoted to CEO, highlighting the trust placed in him by the company and its investors. Now, with the current stock price, his holdings are valued in the region of $2 million. This connection between his financial stake and leadership role encourages alignment with shareholders' interests, showing that he is invested in the company's ongoing success.