During his tenure, Michael A. Creel's wealth was closely tied to Enterprise Products Partners. At a peak moment in 2012, his total compensation reached around $6 million, largely due to a hefty salary and substantial bonuses. Notably, he received over...
During his tenure, Michael A. Creel's wealth was closely tied to Enterprise Products Partners. At a peak moment in 2012, his total compensation reached around $6 million, largely due to a hefty salary and substantial bonuses. Notably, he received over $3.8 million from vested stock, reflecting a strong stake in the company’s success. In contrast, earlier in 2007, his compensation was significantly lower at around $503,000. This trajectory shows how his role evolved as the company's performance improved. His financial rewards were designed to align with the company's growth, appealing to his expertise in finance and business development. As he transitioned out in 2015, Creel ensured his long-term incentive awards vested, securing his financial future after retirement.