As of early 2022, Michelle Zatlyn had substantial stock holdings in Cloudflare, valued at approximately $562 million. This figure shows a strong increase from her past valuations and indicates her significant stake in the company's future. Her holdings peaked during...
As of early 2022, Michelle Zatlyn had substantial stock holdings in Cloudflare, valued at approximately $562 million. This figure shows a strong increase from her past valuations and indicates her significant stake in the company's future. Her holdings peaked during 2021 and maintained a strong position throughout early 2022, reflecting her deep commitment to Cloudflare. In comparison, her wealth in stock holdings fluctuated notably in previous years, starting from around $177 million in early 2020 and training up to over $540 million by the start of 2022. This rise shows a consistent trend in the company's growth and performance, which aligns with her strategic leadership.