Sundar PichaiSundar Pichai earned $164M in 2023

Milan Galik

CEO of Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.


Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Budapest

Field of Expertise

Technology & Engineering - Technology


January 1, 1966 - 59 years ago

Economy Sector

Financial Services

Current Tenure

5 years 5 months (Oct 2019 - Present)

Previous Experience

President of Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. and IBG LLC since 2014, Senior Vice President, Software Development from 2003 to 2014

Milan Galik is the CEO of Interactive Brokers Group, Inc., taking the lead on October 1, 2019. With a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Budapest, he started his career as a software developer...



Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation of our named executive officers should first and foremost be directly and materially linked to each executive’s individual performance and our overall performance, enhancing long-term value and assisting in attracting and retaining high-quality talent.



Board Justification

Cash bonuses awarded to named executive officers in December 2023 for fiscal year 2023 performance ranged from 0% to approximately 630% of the named executive officer’s 2023 base salary, amounting to an aggregate payout of $7,550,000.



Board Justification

Includes director fees, dividend equivalent payments, 401(k) retirement plan match, and vacation payout.

Restricted Stock

$9.84M(126.21K RSU)

Board Justification

Restricted stock units that vested during the year ended December 31, 2023, with a total value realized of $9,842,962.

Performance Metrics

Individual performance and overall company performance evaluated qualitatively without specific financial or operating performance goals.