During his time at Hertz, Paul E. Stone demonstrated a significant investment in the company through various stock transactions. Initially, he made routine trades between 2019 and 2020, with amounts generally around $100-400K. However, in 2021, his activity spiked, culminating...
During his time at Hertz, Paul E. Stone demonstrated a significant investment in the company through various stock transactions. Initially, he made routine trades between 2019 and 2020, with amounts generally around $100-400K. However, in 2021, his activity spiked, culminating in a remarkable $2.42 million trade in November alone. This pattern continued into 2022 with peaks reaching as high as $3.25 million in April. His most recent trades have seen him consistently offloading shares valued between $1.3 and $2.8 million monthly in mid-2023, which indicates not only his confidence in Hertz's growth but also a strategic approach to managing his wealth tied to the performance of the company. Over time, he shifted a large portion of his wealth into Hertz stock, reflecting his belief in the company’s long-term vision, especially as it moved past bankruptcy challenges.