Peter F. Benoist served as the CEO of Enterprise Financial Services Corporation from 2008 until his retirement in 2016. He has a background in finance, leading the company through various challenges during his tenure. Notably, Benoist extended his employment contract...

Number of Employees




Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation philosophy is to provide competitive compensation that rewards executives for performance and management of risk, aligning with measurable business results and stockholder value.



Board Justification

The annual incentive for the year of his retirement under the Company's annual incentive plan as if he had remained an employee to the end of the year.



Board Justification

Includes various benefits provided to the Named Executive Officer, such as 401(k) match, car allowance, club dues, life insurance, and other cash bonuses.

Restricted Stock

$1.15M(259.35K RSU)

Board Justification

The stock that vested in 2016 includes performance contingent grants of stock that were awarded based on the achievement of performance goals during the applicable performance period.

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics include earnings per share, core deposits, and core fee income, which determine the compensation for the CEO.

SEC Filing

From March 14, 2018

Peter F. Benoist

CEO of Enterprise Financial Services



Field of Expertise

Finance & Banking - Finance


Invalid Date - 0 years ago

Is Founder?


Current Tenure

16 years 8 months (May 2008 - Present)

Previous Experience

Executive Vice President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, as well as Chief Executive Officer of Enterprise Bank & Trust.