Pin Tai served as the CEO of Cathay General Bancorp and Cathay Bank from 2016 to 2020. He began his journey with Cathay Bank in 1999 as a general manager, progressing through various roles to lead the organization. His tenure...
Pin Tai served as the CEO of Cathay General Bancorp and Cathay Bank from 2016 to 2020. He began his journey with Cathay Bank in 1999 as a general manager, progressing through various roles to lead the organization. His tenure as CEO lasted four years, during which he was known for driving significant performance improvements. In 2019, Tai's total compensation reached approximately $1.6 million, which included a base salary of around $819,000. Notably, he earned a bonus of $795,000 linked to the bank's net income performance. Tai was pivotal in developing strategies that aligned executive incentives with the interests of shareholders. In August 2017, he was also elected as a director, further solidifying his leadership role within the company. By the end of his tenure, Tai had considerably shaped the bank's direction through challenging economic times, including developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic. After retiring in September 2020, he remained with Cathay Bank as an executive advisor for another year, ensuring a smooth transition for his successor.