Raj Agrawal had notable stakes in Western Union during his tenure, demonstrating the typical alignment between executive interests and company performance. However, his holdings fluctuated over time, reflecting the company's ups and downs. At peak moments in his career, his...
Raj Agrawal had notable stakes in Western Union during his tenure, demonstrating the typical alignment between executive interests and company performance. However, his holdings fluctuated over time, reflecting the company's ups and downs. At peak moments in his career, his wealth largely tied to stock and compensation could have reached significant totals, particularly when he received large grants of restricted stock units (RSUs) as part of his compensation. Yet, his resignation in August 2022 left him without the opportunity to benefit from RSUs that would have vested based on performance metrics, highlighting a crucial shift in his personal financial landscape. This transition likely impacted his long-term financial outlook, especially given that compensation was heavily reliant on the company’s stock performance.