Richard H. Anderson has been at the helm of Delta Air Lines since September 2007. With a solid background in aviation, he previously served as the CEO of Northwest Airlines for three years before the merger with Delta. Anderson joined...

Number of Employees




Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation philosophy emphasizes pay for performance, aligning the interests of management with those of stockholders and includes a substantial portion of total compensation at risk.



Board Justification

No bonus was awarded for the year 2016.



Board Justification

Other compensation includes various benefits and reimbursements, but excludes stock and options.

Restricted Stock

$0.00(0 N/A)

Board Justification

No stock was vested in 2016 as the focus is on the stock grants and options that are not included in total calculations.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics include financial, operational, and customer service performance measures.

SEC Filing

From April 28, 2017