During his time as CEO, Robert C. Rowe held a significant amount of NorthWestern Energy's stock, which played a central role in his compensation package. In 2022, his total compensation was approximately $3,375,572, which came from a combination of base...
During his time as CEO, Robert C. Rowe held a significant amount of NorthWestern Energy's stock, which played a central role in his compensation package. In 2022, his total compensation was approximately $3,375,572, which came from a combination of base salary, vested stock awards, and other benefits. His stock awards were pivotal, with him receiving large stock packages that vested based on performance metrics. Despite challenges posed by COVID-19, Rowe's stock holdings fluctuated significantly, reflecting both the success and struggles of the company. At his peak in 2018, his holdings had a substantial market value tied directly to the company’s performance metrics. This focus on stock performance shows Rowe's vested interest in the long-term health of NorthWestern, revealing how executive wealth can be intertwined with corporate success.