Robert H. Steers has seen significant changes in his stock holdings over the years, reflecting various performance-based incentives and company successes. In his final year as CEO, his total compensation included an impressive cash bonus, highlighting his successful impact on...
Robert H. Steers has seen significant changes in his stock holdings over the years, reflecting various performance-based incentives and company successes. In his final year as CEO, his total compensation included an impressive cash bonus, highlighting his successful impact on the company's performance. For example, his vested stock units in 2021 had a staggering value exceeding $4.8 million, which showcased the results of his contributions to the business. At one point, his wealth was heavily tied to restricted stock units, indicating strong alignment with the performance of Cohen & Steers. His focus on long-term growth resulted in fluctuations in stock value that benefited both him and the company. Steers transitioned from active management to a more advisory role, affirming his ongoing commitment to the firm's vision even as his financial interests were preserved through carefully structured agreements.