Sundar PichaiSundar Pichai earned $164M in 2023

Robert Stewart

Ex-CEO of Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy from the University of Southern California.


January 1, 1963 - 62 years ago

Economy Sector



1 year 2 months (May 2018 - Aug 2019)

Previous Experience

Former President and Chief Executive Officer at Impax Laboratories, Inc.

Robert Stewart is the CEO of Amneal Pharmaceuticals, a company focused on generic medications and pharmaceutical products. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from the University of Southern California, bringing valuable knowledge from his educational background to the pharmaceutical...



Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation philosophy aims to align CEO compensation with company performance and shareholder interests, using a mix of fixed and variable pay components.



Board Justification

The bonus is based on the achievement of specific financial performance metrics set by the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2019.



Board Justification

Other compensation includes retirement contributions and health benefits provided to the CEO.

Restricted Stock

$300.00K(20K RSU)

Board Justification

The vested stock consists of restricted stock units (RSUs) that were granted in previous years and vested in 2019.

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics for 2019 included revenue growth and adjusted EBITDA targets.