Ronald E. Logue served as CEO of State Street Corporation, a leading financial services company, until his retirement in March 2010. He played a crucial role in shaping State Street's strategies during his tenure, focusing on growth and performance metrics...

Number of Employees




Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation philosophy is designed to align the CEO's interests with those of shareholders, focusing on performance metrics and peer benchmarking to ensure competitive compensation.



Board Justification

The bonus is based on the company's performance metrics including revenue growth and return on equity for the year 2011.



Board Justification

Other compensation includes retirement contributions and insurance premiums paid by the company.

Restricted Stock

$800.00K(20K common stock)

Board Justification

The vested stock consists of common stock that was granted in previous years and vested in 2011.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics include financial performance indicators such as earnings per share and return on equity.

SEC Filing

From April 5, 2012