Scott D. Farmer has been leading Cintas Corporation as CEO since 2003, guiding the company through various challenges and ensuring its growth. Under his leadership, Cintas maintained strong performance during tough times like the COVID-19 pandemic. He's earned a reputation...
Scott D. Farmer has been leading Cintas Corporation as CEO since 2003, guiding the company through various challenges and ensuring its growth. Under his leadership, Cintas maintained strong performance during tough times like the COVID-19 pandemic. He's earned a reputation for making strategic decisions that align closely with shareholder interests. In 2021, his compensation was about $9 million, which included a salary of over $1 million and significant stock awards totaling around $5 million, highlighting his deep connection to the company’s success. Farmer is also notable for his long-term stock ownership at Cintas, owning millions in shares, which reflects his strong belief in the company's future and incentivizes him to drive growth. His educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Cincinnati, and he has been part of Cintas since 1991, gaining insights and experience that shape his approach today. Cintas values its executives’ investment in the company, which is evident in the guidelines requiring them to hold substantial shares. This policy helps to ensure executives are focused on the company’s long-term success, and Farmer has played a crucial role in shaping this leadership culture.