Sundar PichaiSundar Pichai earned $164M in 2023

Stuart Bodden

Ex-CEO of Ranger Energy Services


Bachelor of Science from Brown University, MBA from The University of Texas, Austin


May 1, 1969 - 55 years ago

Economy Sector



1 year 9 months (Sep 2021 - Jun 2023)

Previous Experience

CEO for Express Energy Services, overseeing multiple business lines

Stuart Bodden has been at the helm of Ranger Energy Services as CEO since September 2021. With a solid background and over 20 years in the oil and gas industry, he has held key positions at various companies, including being...



Total Compensation




Board Justification

The company's compensation philosophy is designed to pay for performance in a way that is strongly aligned with the long-term interests of stockholders, with a focus on retention and recognition of significant contributions.



Board Justification

Represents one-time cash bonuses earned during the applicable fiscal year.



Board Justification

Includes life insurance premiums, company contributions to 401(k) plan, and dividend equivalents.

Restricted Stock

$919.99K(89.93K Restricted Stock)

Board Justification

Represents time-vested Restricted Stock that generally vests in one-third increments beginning on the initial vesting date.

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics for determining bonuses and stock awards include company performance against established targets and metrics recommended by the Compensation Committee.