Terry W. Handley served as the CEO of Casey's General Stores from April 2016 until June 2019. Before becoming CEO, he held various roles, including President and COO. He has been with Casey's since 1981 and played a crucial role...
Terry W. Handley served as the CEO of Casey's General Stores from April 2016 until June 2019. Before becoming CEO, he held various roles, including President and COO. He has been with Casey's since 1981 and played a crucial role in shaping its business strategy. Under his leadership, the company emphasized performance metrics like same-store sales growth and gross profit margins, which helped guide executive compensation. Terry saw significant compensation during his tenure, with a total hitting around $3.3 million in 2018 alone. Insights into his decision-making style can be gleaned from his approach to annual incentive programs, which were based on performance outcomes. Interestingly, even after leaving, he continued to influence the company, benefiting from consulting payments linked to his prior role. Terry's journey from store operations to the executive suite illustrates the potential for long-term commitment to lead to leadership opportunities. Additionally, his holdings fluctuated from $8.41 million to $14.71 million over a short span of time, highlighting substantial movements in his wealth tied to company performance and trading activities.