Timothy Cutt's stock holdings saw some major fluctuations during his time with Gulfport Energy. In August 2021, he made a notable sale of $1.87 million, signaling a strong confidence in the company's market performance. His earlier trades in 2019 and...
Timothy Cutt's stock holdings saw some major fluctuations during his time with Gulfport Energy. In August 2021, he made a notable sale of $1.87 million, signaling a strong confidence in the company's market performance. His earlier trades in 2019 and 2020 were smaller, ranging from just a few thousand dollars to around $8,500. However, his financial activity changed significantly with larger transactions post-CEO appointment, including multiple sales totaling over $4 million within months. As of early 2023, Cutt's decisions on stock sales reflected strategic positioning as he transitioned from CEO to Executive Chairman, managing a portfolio with a remaining market value that suggests continued involvement and interest in Gulfport’s future.