As of March 2024, Timothy J. Sloan holds approximately $65 million in Wells Fargo stock, reflecting his long commitment to the bank. His stock holdings peaked significantly at various times during his career, demonstrating a strong alignment with the company's...
As of March 2024, Timothy J. Sloan holds approximately $65 million in Wells Fargo stock, reflecting his long commitment to the bank. His stock holdings peaked significantly at various times during his career, demonstrating a strong alignment with the company's performance. During his leadership, the value of his stock fluctuated, especially as Wells Fargo faced public scrutiny and internal challenges. At one point, over a million of these shares were personally owned. He maintained a significant stake even as he stepped down in 2019, which indicates he had skin in the game during his tenure. This substantial ownership also showcases his confidence in the bank's recovery and growth potential in the future, aligning his financial health with that of Wells Fargo.