Timothy Wadhams served as the CEO of Masco Corporation from 2006 until his retirement in February 2014. Under his leadership, the company successfully navigated through challenging economic conditions, particularly in the housing market. His tenure witnessed significant fluctuations in his...
Timothy Wadhams served as the CEO of Masco Corporation from 2006 until his retirement in February 2014. Under his leadership, the company successfully navigated through challenging economic conditions, particularly in the housing market. His tenure witnessed significant fluctuations in his compensation, with his total earnings peaking at approximately $10 million in 2010, including performance-based bonuses and vested stock. Wadhams was known for his strong focus on aligning executive pay with company performance, emphasizing a compensation philosophy that rewards long-term success. In terms of stock performance, Wadhams saw the company's overall value grow, reaching highs in his portfolio, with insider trading values peaking at over $54 million in recent years. His strategic decisions contributed to Masco’s standing in the construction and home improvement sectors, reflecting an ability to steer a large company through both growth and downturns. Despite challenges, he was recognized for building a solid foundation for future leadership and growth within the firm.