Sundar PichaiSundar Pichai earned $164M in 2023

Todd M. Bluedorn's holdings in Lennox International have seen intense activity. In September 2019, he sold shares worth approximately $25.95 million, which was a significant spike compared to prior months. His trades fluctuate widely, with monthly sales ranging from $5.55...

Stock Sold




678,385 LII shares

What if they kept their stock?

If Todd M. Bluedorn didn't sell their stock, today they would have:
Extra LII678,385 shares worth $409.97M.
This is 242.96% and $290.43M more than what they got when they sold the stock.

Recent Insider Trades

No insider trades found for this CEO.

Charitable Transactions




Recent Charitable Transactions

No charitable transactions found for this CEO.