Todd Nightingale is the CEO of Fastly, Inc., where he stepped into the role on September 1, 2022, after the previous CEO, Joshua Bixby, resigned. With a strong educational background, Todd holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master's from...
Todd Nightingale is the CEO of Fastly, Inc., where he stepped into the role on September 1, 2022, after the previous CEO, Joshua Bixby, resigned. With a strong educational background, Todd holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master's from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both in electrical engineering and computer science. Before joining Fastly, he was the Executive Vice President and General Manager at Cisco Systems, focusing on enterprise networking and cloud services. His time at Cisco also included leadership roles at Cisco Meraki, which could point to his sharp understanding of technology and cloud solutions. In his first year at Fastly, Todd's compensation included a significant package of stock options and bonuses tied to company performance, reflecting his commitment to driving growth. Interestingly, he has actively engaged in insider trading, with the highest value of his holdings reaching around $27.38 million in February 2024, indicating his strong belief in the company’s future. Under his leadership, Fastly aims to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of technology, ensuring it remains competitive and innovative.