During his time at Valero, Klesse experienced variations in his wealth largely linked to his performance-based compensation. At his peak in 2007, his earnings crossed $15.3 million, emphasizing his ability to align bonuses with Valero’s financial milestones. Despite large financial...
During his time at Valero, Klesse experienced variations in his wealth largely linked to his performance-based compensation. At his peak in 2007, his earnings crossed $15.3 million, emphasizing his ability to align bonuses with Valero’s financial milestones. Despite large financial rewards, Klesse did not aggressively invest in company stock options, indicating a unique strategy focused on cash bonuses instead of equity. In years like 2014, his total compensation reduced to around $4.78 million, showing the variability that comes with aligning pay to performance metrics such as EBITDA and cash flow from operations. At one point, he had a significant number of options that vested but opted mostly for cash rewards instead of stock grants over the years, showcasing a preference that was both unusual and strategic.