As of late 2022, Willie C. Chiang holds a substantial number of phantom units but has not converted a large portion into actual stock yet. Initially granted 500,000 phantom units in 2018, his holdings were tied to ambitious performance metrics...
As of late 2022, Willie C. Chiang holds a substantial number of phantom units but has not converted a large portion into actual stock yet. Initially granted 500,000 phantom units in 2018, his holdings were tied to ambitious performance metrics for cash flow. His net worth in phantom units has fluctuated based on company performance but remains a significant part of his compensation strategy. By 2021, his total holdings in the company showed potential for much higher value if performance targets are met, emphasizing growth and shareholder alignment. Additionally, in previous years, his stock vesting was minimal, indicating a clear focus on immediate, cash-based metrics rather than traditional stock options. His approach showcases a unique alignment with current performance goals over future payouts.