As of recent data, Yuval Wasserman held 1,594 shares of Advanced Energy Industries, highlighting his commitment to the company. His holdings represent a small part of his overall wealth, signaling he focuses more on company performance than stockpile. At his...
As of recent data, Yuval Wasserman held 1,594 shares of Advanced Energy Industries, highlighting his commitment to the company. His holdings represent a small part of his overall wealth, signaling he focuses more on company performance than stockpile. At his peak in 2020, his compensation included a significant bonus related to company goals, reflecting his alignment with shareholder interests. After an impressive career trajectory, his wealth has fluctuated as his leadership fluctuated with company performance metrics. It appears he values continuing his influence in the tech sector without heavily relying on stock options, which he has largely ignored in his compensation package. This shows he might be more confident in the business than in trying to profit from stock appreciation.