Bob Pragada is the CEO of Jacobs Solutions Inc., having taken over the role in January 2023. He has a long history with the company, originally joining in 2006 and working his way up through various leadership roles, including President...
Bob Pragada is the CEO of Jacobs Solutions Inc., having taken over the role in January 2023. He has a long history with the company, originally joining in 2006 and working his way up through various leadership roles, including President and COO. Before his return to Jacobs, he was the CEO of The Brock Group, a major provider of industrial services in North America. Pragada's tenure has been marked by a clear focus on aligning the company’s goals with performance-based incentives, which shows in his compensation structure that includes a substantial bonus based on the company’s performance. His educational background includes a degree in Systems Engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy and a master’s degree in Engineering and Management from Stanford University. Besides his role at Jacobs, he also serves on the board of Eaton Corporation, which highlights his wide-reaching influence in the industry. His experience combines military discipline with business acumen, crucial for leading a company that tackles engineering and construction challenges across the globe.