Throughout his time at Horizon Bancorp, Craig M. Dwight had notable fluctuations in his personal stock holdings. In late 2019, his equities were valued at approximately $7.77 million and peaked in December 2021 at about $9.09 million. However, as the...
Throughout his time at Horizon Bancorp, Craig M. Dwight had notable fluctuations in his personal stock holdings. In late 2019, his equities were valued at approximately $7.77 million and peaked in December 2021 at about $9.09 million. However, as the company's stock performance varied, Dwight's wealth tied to his stock also fluctuated significantly, dropping to $6.89 million by the end of 2022. Over his tenure, Dwight was required to maintain a significant stock ownership relative to his salary, demonstrating a strong commitment to the company's long-term success. His holdings and financial interests were closely monitored during his time as CEO, aligning his personal wealth with company performance, reinforcing the idea that the success of Horizon Bancorp was interconnected with his financial incentives.