David A. Brandon is a seasoned executive with a solid background in the business world, having served as CEO of Domino's Pizza from 2008 until 2010, and he continues to hold a significant role within the company as Chairman. Born...
David A. Brandon is a seasoned executive with a solid background in the business world, having served as CEO of Domino's Pizza from 2008 until 2010, and he continues to hold a significant role within the company as Chairman. Born on May 1, 1957, he graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor's degree and has spent several decades developing his expertise in business management and marketing. Prior to his tenure at Domino's, Brandon had a successful career as the President and CEO of Valassis, Inc., where he led the company for nearly a decade. He has also served in various board roles, including those with Toys “R” Us, DTE Energy, and Herman Miller. During his leadership at Domino's, he witnessed the company’s retail sales rise from $3.36 billion to $5.63 billion—a notable 67.6% increase. After stepping down as CEO, he took on a special advisory role at Domino's while continuing to influence the company's direction from the top.