J. Patrick Doyle, who was born on October 4, 1965, is the former CEO of Domino's Pizza, a position he held from March 8, 2010, until June 30, 2018. With a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan, Doyle brought...

Current Market Cap


Number of Employees


Total Compensation

2014 - 2018

Trending down by -38.93% last year
Showing total compensation for the last 2014 - 2018


Down by -46.32% last year


Up by 0.09% last year


Down by -53.86% last year


Up by 0.00% last year



Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation philosophy is designed to attract, motivate, and retain high-performing executives, aligning their interests with those of shareholders through performance-based compensation.



Board Justification

Annual performance incentive payout based on the Company's achievement of applicable performance targets under the AIP, prorated for his mid-year departure.



Board Justification

Includes perquisites such as personal usage of corporate aircraft, spousal travel, and other benefits.

Restricted Stock

$2.62M(11.86K performance shares)

Board Justification

Performance shares that vested in 2018, based on the achievement of performance conditions.

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics for the annual incentive plan were based on adjusted total segment income, with a target achievement of 101.31%.

SEC Filing

From March 14, 2019