David C. Novak's financial stakes in Yum! Brands showcased significant growth during his tenure. By 2015, his holdings peaked at approximately $65.35 million. His approach to wealth was notably conservative; he chose to defer much of his compensation into restricted...
David C. Novak's financial stakes in Yum! Brands showcased significant growth during his tenure. By 2015, his holdings peaked at approximately $65.35 million. His approach to wealth was notably conservative; he chose to defer much of his compensation into restricted stock units, accumulating about 2 million shares over the years. As of late 2008, these RSUs held a value exceeding $60 million. This strategic deferral reflected an alignment with his belief in long-term growth and shareholder value. Even during his final years, the worth of his holdings demonstrated stability and a commitment to the company's success, as shares were not liquidated or sold for immediate benefit, but held for long-term potential.