Dion Weisler served as the CEO of HP Inc. from November 2015 until November 2019. During his time at HP, he focused on driving the company's growth through innovation in printing and personal systems. Under his leadership, HP saw significant...
Dion Weisler served as the CEO of HP Inc. from November 2015 until November 2019. During his time at HP, he focused on driving the company's growth through innovation in printing and personal systems. Under his leadership, HP saw significant revenue increases and implemented strong performance metrics that rewarded employee achievements. Notably, Weisler's compensation peaked at over $28 million in 2016, which included substantial bonuses based on performance metrics like revenue and net earnings. He had a remarkable year in 2018 as well, earning about $19 million when considering salary, bonuses, and stock vesting. Aside from his financial successes, Weisler also had a unique trading history, notably selling millions in HP stock throughout 2019, indicating a strategic approach to potentially diversify his investments or cash in on gains. His ability to lead a major company like HP, which is a key player in printing and computer technology, indicates his expertise in navigating complex business landscapes. After stepping down as CEO, he continued to support HP as a Senior Executive Advisor until early 2020, showing a commitment to the company beyond his executive role.