As the CEO of Trustmark Corp, Duane A. Dewey has seen fluctuations in his holdings, particularly during the changing market conditions of the past few years. Notable peaks occurred when his compensation reached approximately $2.84 million in 2023, alongside significant...
As the CEO of Trustmark Corp, Duane A. Dewey has seen fluctuations in his holdings, particularly during the changing market conditions of the past few years. Notable peaks occurred when his compensation reached approximately $2.84 million in 2023, alongside significant performance metrics such as a 130.2% increase in net income. His holdings in Trustmark date back to when he joined the bank in 2003, showcasing a long-term commitment to the company. Dewey's investments displayed robust growth, especially around the transition years, reflecting his confidence and alignment with the bank's vision. However, recent years also brought market-driven challenges, leading to adjustments in stock value that impacted his overall wealth. Overall, Dewey maintains a significant stake in Trustmark, aligning his financial success with the company’s performance.