Ed Tyler is the former interim CEO of First Industrial Realty Trust, where he served briefly from late 2008 to early 2009. Before this, he was involved in various leadership roles, such as being the CEO of Ideapoint Ventures, an...
Ed Tyler is the former interim CEO of First Industrial Realty Trust, where he served briefly from late 2008 to early 2009. Before this, he was involved in various leadership roles, such as being the CEO of Ideapoint Ventures, an early-stage fund specializing in nanotechnologies, since 2002. Ed brings valuable experience from his prior positions, including being the CEO of Moore Corporation Limited. His career spans a significant amount of time in different managerial roles at R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Interestingly, during his time leading First Industrial, his compensation fluctuated significantly, peaking with over $1.28 million in 2008, emphasizing the volatility in executive pay. Ed has a solid understanding of management and corporate structure, which he has applied throughout his professional journey. His commitment to real estate and technology sectors provides a unique perspective in the boardroom.