Ellen G. Cooper is the President and CEO of Lincoln National Corporation, having stepped into this role after an impressive career spanning over a decade at Lincoln itself. Born in 1965, she holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of...
Ellen G. Cooper is the President and CEO of Lincoln National Corporation, having stepped into this role after an impressive career spanning over a decade at Lincoln itself. Born in 1965, she holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Before taking the helm at Lincoln, Ellen was a managing director at Goldman Sachs and the chief risk officer at AEGON Americas. Her approach combines her solid expertise in investment with a keen understanding of enterprise risk and operational strategy. Under her leadership, Lincoln has emphasized a pay-for-performance culture, aligning executive compensation with broader company goals, reflected in her significant awards, like $1.5 million in base salary for 2023 along with performance-linked bonuses. She is well-known for her strategic decisions during her tenure, which involved overseeing risk management and investment strategies that have shaped the company's growth trajectory. Ellen's insider trading activity showcases her confident engagement with company stocks, reflecting a vested interest in Lincoln's performance and future profits. This combination of education, experience, and practical engagement makes her a pivotal figure in the financial services industry.