Frederick C. Tuomi served as the CEO of Invitation Homes Inc., leading the company through a period marked by significant growth. Before joining Invitation Homes in 2017, Tuomi had an extensive career in real estate, holding various leadership roles including...
Frederick C. Tuomi served as the CEO of Invitation Homes Inc., leading the company through a period marked by significant growth. Before joining Invitation Homes in 2017, Tuomi had an extensive career in real estate, holding various leadership roles including Chief Executive Officer at Starwood Waypoint Homes and positions at Colony American Homes and Equity Residential. He showcased his strategic skills in managing and expanding real estate operations, which included overseeing the largest multi-family REIT in the U.S at Equity Residential. Tuomi faced challenges along the way, including a temporary leave to care for a family member, highlighting the human side of leadership. In terms of financials, his total compensation in 2018 was around $9.8 million, with a hefty portion coming from vested stock that reflected the strong performance metrics of the company, emphasizing his alignment with shareholder interests. Notably, Tuomi was involved in significant stock trading activities with values reaching up to $27.85 million, indicating confidence in the company's direction and his substantial holdings in it. His background and experiences have shaped him into a notable figure in the real estate investment trust space.