James E. Dauwalter is a significant figure in the tech industry, known for his role as CEO of Entegris, Inc. He started leading the company in 2001 and was pivotal during crucial growth phases. His hands-on approach and deep understanding...
James E. Dauwalter is a significant figure in the tech industry, known for his role as CEO of Entegris, Inc. He started leading the company in 2001 and was pivotal during crucial growth phases. His hands-on approach and deep understanding of the semiconductor market helped Entegris expand its operations significantly. Under Dauwalter's leadership, Entegris saw impressive sales growth, notably during the company's merger operations and in developing new technologies related to materials for microelectronics. Interesting data reveals that at one point, he owned about 6.5% of the company’s shares, indicating a personal investment in the firm’s success. His compensation included not just a solid salary but also notable bonuses which tied directly to the company's performance. Dauwalter was also involved in several high-stakes insider trades, showcasing his confidence in the company's future. He has served on various boards, indicating a strong network and influence within the industry. Overall, he's a blend of operational experience and strategic oversight, driving Entegris to new heights while navigating complex market demands.