James Skinner served as the CEO of McDonald's until 2012, guiding the company through significant growth and changes. He began his career at McDonald's as a restaurant manager trainee and worked his way up the ladder, eventually leading the whole...
James Skinner served as the CEO of McDonald's until 2012, guiding the company through significant growth and changes. He began his career at McDonald's as a restaurant manager trainee and worked his way up the ladder, eventually leading the whole company. During his time as CEO, he was known for a focus on performance-based compensation, ensuring that his and the executives' pay was linked to how well the company did in terms of operating income. In 2012, his total compensation was around $1.77 million, which primarily came from his base salary of $753,333 and a $1 million annual bonus tied to performance. Under his leadership, McDonald's made a noteworthy shift towards franchising, which now accounts for about 60% of the company's revenue. James Skinner owned a significant stake in the company with 169,916 shares valued at approximately $48.9 million, showing his commitment to McDonald's success. He retired in June 2012, leaving behind a strong legacy and a company in a good position for future growth.