Kevin M. Murai has been at the forefront of TD SYNNEX Corporation since 2008, leading the company through significant transformations. With a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Murai brings a practical perspective to his role as CEO. Known for his...
Kevin M. Murai has been at the forefront of TD SYNNEX Corporation since 2008, leading the company through significant transformations. With a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Murai brings a practical perspective to his role as CEO. Known for his strategic approach, he played a crucial part in the successful integration of the IBM CRM business into SYNNEX. This effort contributed to the continued revenue growth of their Concentrix segment. Interestingly, under his leadership, SYNNEX maintained an impressive streak of profitability, achieving 106 consecutive quarters without losses. His compensation reflects a strong alignment with performance; for instance, in fiscal 2014 alone, his bonus under the Profit Sharing Plan hit nearly $2 million, driven by solid company performance metrics. Murai was previously at Ingram Micro, where he spent 19 years ascending to Vice President and COO, giving him a wealth of experience. Notably, he has a significant equity stake in SYNNEX as well, which showcases his commitment to the company's long-term success. His leadership style and strategic decisions have positioned SYNNEX as a competitive player in the tech distribution industry.