Kim Dang has been the CEO of Kinder Morgan, Inc. (KMI) since August 1, 2023, after previously serving as the company's President. With a background in business, she brings valuable experience to the leadership role. In her first year as...
Kim Dang has been the CEO of Kinder Morgan, Inc. (KMI) since August 1, 2023, after previously serving as the company's President. With a background in business, she brings valuable experience to the leadership role. In her first year as CEO, Dang waived her participation in the annual incentive plan, showing a unique approach to executive compensation. Instead, she received a significant grant of 636,575 restricted stock units, which will fully vest in 2026, aligning her success with the company's performance. During her time at KMI, she has emphasized a commitment to aligning employee compensation with overall company performance metrics. As of now, her compensation for 2023 totals over $12.4 million, which largely comes from stock awards rather than traditional cash bonuses. This strategy reflects a long-term vision for both Dang and the company, focusing on sustainable growth. Under her leadership, Dang is pushing Kinder Morgan into a future driven by performance and accountability. Her substantial stock holdings indicate her strong belief in the company's potential and growth.