Klaus Kleinfeld is a seasoned executive with a strong background in leadership within global corporations. Born on October 6, 1958, he has had a notable career, including significant roles at Alcoa and Siemens AG. He stepped into the spotlight at...
Klaus Kleinfeld is a seasoned executive with a strong background in leadership within global corporations. Born on October 6, 1958, he has had a notable career, including significant roles at Alcoa and Siemens AG. He stepped into the spotlight at Alcoa, becoming CEO on May 8, 2008, after serving as President and COO since 2007. His tenure has been marked by major compensation agreements, particularly in 2016, when he earned a total of $3.2 million, with a cash bonus reflecting company performance metrics. In 2017, his compensation included a massive stock award that he forfeited upon leaving the company. His business knowledge is complemented by a rich experience gained from working at Siemens, where he held several key positions including CEO of Siemens Corporation. Kleinfeld is recognized for driving performance-based pay and aligning executive compensation with shareholder interests, steering Howmet Aerospace through strategic challenges during his time. Notably, his previous leadership positions and decisions, like his performance-based stock options, illustrate a pragmatic approach to leadership and company growth.