Mark S. Dodson served as the CEO of Northwest Natural from 2003 until his retirement in 2008. His journey in the company started even earlier, holding various positions that shaped his approach to leadership. Dodson began as Senior Vice President...
Mark S. Dodson served as the CEO of Northwest Natural from 2003 until his retirement in 2008. His journey in the company started even earlier, holding various positions that shaped his approach to leadership. Dodson began as Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and General Counsel in 1997, later advancing to President before taking on the CEO role. His leadership was crucial during various company performance initiatives aimed at improving profitability and customer satisfaction. Notably, he retired from the board of Northwest Natural after 17 years of service in 2020. His tenure as CEO included a performance share award that increased from 13,000 to 15,000 shares in 2008, illustrating a focus on aligning executive rewards with company performance. Furthermore, he was known for advocating fiscal health, where metrics like earnings per share and return on invested capital defined success. His legacy in the company touches on both operational and public-facing aspects, establishing a model of strong performance for future leaders to follow.