Since becoming the CEO, Michael McMurray's holdings in LyondellBasell have seen significant fluctuations. Notably, his stock ownership peaked at approximately $26.73 million in May 2024, showcasing his confidence in the company’s growth. Before reaching that high, his holdings exhibited consistent...
Since becoming the CEO, Michael McMurray's holdings in LyondellBasell have seen significant fluctuations. Notably, his stock ownership peaked at approximately $26.73 million in May 2024, showcasing his confidence in the company’s growth. Before reaching that high, his holdings exhibited consistent growth, hitting about $18 million in mid-2023 after a series of transactions post his appointment. His investments reflect a belief in LyondellBasell's long-term prospects, particularly as he navigated significant market challenges. This trend won't surprise anyone familiar with his previous positions, where he consistently demonstrated a knack for strategic financial moves and investments that align with company growth. This connection with the company's stock performance shows McMurray's commitment to both the company's success and the interests of its shareholders.