Michael T. Hackney is the CEO of Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, a popular restaurant chain known for its country-themed decor and American comfort food. With a career spanning over forty years in the restaurant industry, Hackney has held various...
Michael T. Hackney is the CEO of Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, a popular restaurant chain known for its country-themed decor and American comfort food. With a career spanning over forty years in the restaurant industry, Hackney has held various leadership roles since joining Cracker Barrel in 2010. His journey at the company includes positions like Senior Vice President of Restaurant and Retail Operations, where he was promoted after serving as Vice President of Training and Leadership Development, and Vice President of People and Talent, highlighting his ability to develop staff and improve operations. His focus on performance-based leadership is evident, as he is committed to meeting operating income goals and strategic objectives. In 2022, Hackney earned a total compensation of $6.34 million, with approximately $1.17 million coming from his salary and $1.67 million from performance-based bonuses. Despite the ups and downs in the market, he continues to drive the company with resilience and dedication in a competitive industry. One notable fact is that Hackney once had a vested interest with stock values reaching approximately $4.48 million in 2021. As he leads Cracker Barrel forward, Hackney's extensive background in operations shapes the company’s future and its aim to enhance customer experiences.