Nelson Marchioli served as the CEO of Denny's Inc. from 2006 until his departure in 2010, where he played a significant role in revitalizing the iconic American diner chain during a challenging economic period. He had a remarkable influence on...

Number of Employees




Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation philosophy is designed to attract, motivate, and retain top leadership talent while aligning their interests with those of stockholders.



Board Justification

No bonus was awarded as Mr. Marchioli separated from the Company effective June 30, 2010.



Board Justification

This includes a severance payment of $2,250,000 and a vacation payout of $60,000 upon termination.

Restricted Stock

$0.00(0 N/A)

Board Justification

No stock awards vested in 2010 as Mr. Marchioli did not receive any stock grants in that year.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics included Same-Store Sales and Adjusted Income Before Taxes, but Mr. Marchioli was not eligible for a payout due to his departure.

SEC Filing

From April 8, 2011