Robert E. Rossiter has been a significant figure at Lear Corporation, holding roles like CEO and President since 2007. He has a solid educational background with a degree in Business Administration from the prestigious University of Michigan. His career at...
Robert E. Rossiter has been a significant figure at Lear Corporation, holding roles like CEO and President since 2007. He has a solid educational background with a degree in Business Administration from the prestigious University of Michigan. His career at Lear began in the 1980s, and he climbed the ranks, becoming CEO after a series of leadership positions. Notably, he stepped into the dual role of Chairman and CEO in 2007, a move aimed at streamlining the company’s operations. During his tenure, he managed Lear's journey through tough times, including emerging from Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2009. Financially, his compensation reflects his leadership style, earning over $13 million in 2011, although he also faced challenges with no bonuses in certain years due to company performance. Rossiter has engaged in significant insider trading activity, with his holdings fluctuating notably, reaching a peak value of around $46 million by May 2021. This indicates his confidence in Lear's potential. His straightforward approach reflects a commitment to improving company performance and shareholder value, a driving force throughout his long career.